Sarah and Bekah

Sarah and Bekah have moved to price to go to college. Good Luck!

Sarah and Bekah recently graduated from Northridge High school, go class of 2008! They are currently attending phlebotomy school, and working at Paces in Clearfield. In August they will be attending school down in Price, and will have to live on their own for the first time.


Rachel and Matt

Here are two ultrasound pictures of our
Baby Boy! This is at 17 weeks.Matthew
and I are so excited to become parents
soon...they are keeping the due date at
25 December. Enjoy!

Brandon and Amy

Amy and Brandon were recently married in the Logan, Utah temple. They are currently living in Kansas City, Missouri selling security systems. Brandon goes door to door as an advertising director (salesman) for Icon Security systems and Amy works in Icon's office. They really enjoy being married and are excited to move back to Utah at the end of August.


We are getting a puppy, her name is Koda!

Lake Powell 2007